Tree Of Life
5 feet diameter
By Krishna Bauer, Samjith Lakshman, R.Mukundam, S.B.Dheya, M. Tanga Tharagai & S. Yahlini
from, Bhavan’s Gandhi Vidyashram, Kodaikanal
Material used:
Plastic bags, throwaway storage boxes, flexible PVC pipes, wires, plastic wrappers & baking paper.
We have made a tapestry woven with plastic yarn made from all kinds of plastic bags used for packaging grocery and snacks items. We named the tapestry as “Tree of Life” which turned out to be 5 feet in diameter. Around 150 plastic bags are used to make “plarn” (plastic+ yarn) and beautiful ropes. We used these ropes to weave this beautiful piece of art.
Material used and procedure: All kinds of plastic bags to make ropes. The background is made with card board procured from throwaway storage boxes. Flexible PVC pipes and wires is used for making frame. All the materials we used in this art piece is acquired from “waste” or what you call junk. That is why this art piece a good example of “treasure from trash”. I have chosen plastic wrappers as my primary resource material which are thrown to dustbin without any second thought. I turned them into beautiful ropes and weave this tapestry. I also fused these wrappers together using hot iron and baking paper and got a stronger material to make leaves, flowers and lanterns. I even transformed these wrappers into butterflies.
The Message: The round shape blue and green background color of tapestry represents our planet. The tree represent is the life force, growth, wisdom, prosperity. The colours of tapestry represents the the five sacred element; ,the Space, the Air , the Agni the Water & the Earth which are responsible for whole cosmic creation including human body and hence should be revered. “Tree Of Life” can serve to become a sound symbol for living in harmony with Nature by observing zero waste lifestyle and sustainable living. Nature, nurtures but does not produce any waste. Mankind, if want to survive, has to learn the concept of zero waste from the Nature, which in my opinion, is the only sustainable solution to reduce the impact of climate change and global warming.
“Tree of Life”, woven with plastic wrappers conveys a message of 7 R’s.
Re connect with the Nature and Re discover your roots.
Reform the wasteful lifestyle of modern society based on blind consumerism.
Each Individual has to manage their own waste, by ways of Recycle, Reduce, Reuse & Re purpose .
Try to manage your own waste by following the mantra,
“My Waste is My Responsibility”.
Price: On Request.
The Team with Tree Of Life.
Krishna Bauer, Samjith Lakshman, R.Mukundam, S.B.Dheya, M. Tanga Tharagai & S. Yahlini.

For print.
Archival Digital Print for A2 size:
On Hahnemuehle photo rag: On request.
On Hahnemuehle canvas: On request.
Wonderful work
Beautiful creation using waste material. Commendable work!
Amazing. Can’t believe that these are created using waste materials
Pretty good
Very pretty. I like it.
Looks wonderful, moreover has a worth while story to say.
Nice work team. Congrats.
Good effort by BGV STUDENTS.
Smokinn hawttt yo! This some masterpiece
The idea to use undegradable materials to depict nature was awesome. It connected waste management and creativity.
It is a very wonderful and innovative project done by the team. It conveys a very meaningful message of managing our own waste. This piece of work is indeed inspirational for all of us and has been made by using using discarded materials. Such projects inspire the younger generation to care for our environment which is the need of the hour. Kudos to the team members. Hats off to you.
Beautiful art work this is the example of creativity that school is teaching the children for substanable devlopment
Fantastic use of plastic packets…. great idea… bravo !!! Truly a labour of love and patience, and the best use of waste!
Good effort by the BGV Students
Good work
Fantastic initiative is taken. It must be appreciated. Good keep up and spread to the younger generation.
Love this piece. It is simple and uncomplicated and the materials used can be replicated into any other items. The twisted ropes can be made into bags, coasters etc. This piece talks about our earth and it’s five elements. Colours used are also meaningful. It definitely has my vote.
Good way to draw attention of the local masses and to educate them.
Fantastic concept & composition. Vote for this because it’s meaningful & thought provoking
I vote for this particular project because I love the fact that this artwork has been made using hundreds of single use plastics and multi layered plastics (mlp) which is one of the most difficult waste material to recycle for the reason that it is usually a combination of plastic, aluminum and paper and therefore is practically impossible to segregate. It is ignored by most of the waste management organizations and recyclers.
Excellent way of using waste material, beautifully done.
Great work
An excellent way to project value for life with all recyclable material. A must for upcoming generation. Amazing.
an extremely beautiful way to spread awareness on saving our environment. amazing utilisation of unwanted and harmful waste and lovely work!
Wow, truly amazing 👌🏻👌🏻
Very inspiring
very nice and good
Unbelievably beautiful work of art. It is hard to believe that it is made with waste material. Emanating so much joy, it is splendidly executed and goes on to show how our daily waste can prove to be a resource for our creative pursuits.
Most beautiful art with throwaway waste materials
Nice job coming from heart
Great work
Amazing effort!
Beautiful piece of work . Thank you for spreading awareness and showing ways in which each individual can do their bit to save Mother Nature .
Such lovely work ! Bravo for the plastic waste recycling, nay, upcycling into a work of art !
So amazing how harmoniously and beautifully waste has been utilized.
Lovely. Brings ecology, recycling and beauty together. Not just intellectual comment but aesthetic. Appeals to feeling.
Excellently showcased
Beautifully done. Thought provoking.. makes us take plastic waste management more seriously. Hats off, kids
Superb vision and execution. Love the creative use of the ropes made out of throwaway plastic bags…kudos to the team
Beuatifully put together, the materials used are all waste products which is really commendable!
Great work ! An innovative idea.
Great idea of Waste management. All the best.
Superb! Good idea ! Looks great! !!