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    The Rise of the Pheonix
    58 inch X 53 inch X 15 inch

    Anika Goenka, Anoushka Poddar, Navya Samsukha, Sanju Haldar & Tia Sarda – Modern High School International, Kolkata

    Material used:
    Cardboard Box, Spray paints, Acrylic paints, Old laces, Old paper clips, Recycled mount boar, News papers, Magazine papers, Old wires, Glue gun & Old cloth

    For our project, we decided to make a dress on a cardboard box. This dress represents women’s struggle in society, and how they have still managed to overcome their obstacles. Much like a pheonix rises up from the darkness, rising up from all the darkness and strife, so have women, fighting through all their struggle. A dress is a typical item of clothing worn by women, so we wanted to use it to represent women’s struggle and their rights. Red is a colour normally associated with danger, symbolising the precarious situations women have had to be in and out themselves in as well. It is also a colour representing power and strength, which is a theme commonly associated with women and their rights movement.

    The gold undertones also represent the power women hold and the rich history each step they take carries. The black represents the darkness and issues women have to face. We wanted to use recycled materials to show how women overcame the clutter. The chains over the dress showcase how they are often held back by the constraints of society, and how they often need to physically ‘break’ these restraints. The cross they are arranged in symbolises how women, especially in India, are often told that the clothes they wear or the way the behave is ‘wrong’, and how Indian society needs to break these stereotypes. They have also been made from recycled newspaper to carry on the theme, and also to showcase just how fragile these stereotypes are and the fact that they are rooted in exceedingly delicate foundations that have been continuously built up for the past decades.The newspaper flowers riding up from the structure showcases how women grow even when faced with such terrible conditions. They have been made from recycled newspaper and waste wire. The paper clips also carry on this theme.

    The golden colour shows how society often paints these chains to be unbreakable and important, when they really are not. The gold laces also showcase the constraints women have had to break through. The wings represent how women struggle and the power they hold. The glue gun drops on them are reminiscent of tears, to showcase the struggle and strife women have had to face. Clothing has always been a way of self expression for women, a way to break away from what society wants them to be. From the hijab, to the little black dress, fashion has been a cornerstone in women’s rights and their struggle. We wishes to portray this in all its glory, and pay homage to all the powerful women who came before us, and paved the way for the free world we live in today.

    Price: INR 5000/-

    The Team, from left to right

    Sanju Haldar, Navya Samsukha,
    Anoushka Poddar, Tia Sarda & Anika Goenka.

    For print.

    Archival Digital Print for A2 size:
    On Hahnemuehle photo rag: INR 4,700
    On Hahnemuehle canvas: INR 5,400

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    6 months ago

    wow i love this

    6 months ago

    Excellent work

    P halder
    P halder
    6 months ago

    Creative and outstanding work

    Uttam Sqrda
    Uttam Sqrda
    6 months ago

    Creativity at its best.. OUTSTSANDING !!

    Neha kedia
    Neha kedia
    6 months ago

    Marvellous work ..the creation says it all..Excellent work tia..keep it up

    6 months ago

    Wow wonderful work..

    Neha bansal
    Neha bansal
    6 months ago

    Very well written… very thought provoking… ingenious

    Sangeeta jain
    Sangeeta jain
    6 months ago

    Very creative

    Amit Bansal
    Amit Bansal
    6 months ago

    Beautiful work! And the detailed explanation of the underlying theme makes it all the more compelling 👍👍

    Nalini Banthia
    Nalini Banthia
    6 months ago

    Beautiful work Navya

    Yash Poddar
    Yash Poddar
    6 months ago

    Excellent work Tia

    Vandana Arya
    Vandana Arya
    6 months ago

    Excellent work, Navya

    Dia Taparia
    Dia Taparia
    6 months ago

    Amazingly fantastic! Fabulous work with a lot of creativity, innovation and efforts!! 👌

    Monica Sarda
    Monica Sarda
    6 months ago

    The innovative conceptualization depicting a woman’s journey, her challenges, and her triumphs is truly commendable.

    Manann Sarda
    Manann Sarda
    6 months ago

    A most intriguing piece indeed. To add onto a bit of your phenomenal analysis of the work, red is also a colour that has been traditionally associated with women across the world, especially in India. The subversion of gold to represent a negative idea is also a well thought out decision. It brings to mind a golden cage, and fits in even better with the metaphor of an avian creature being trapped inside a cage. While the point about the glue gun drops seems to be lost at first glance, they too add another layer to the piece.

    Furthermore, the decision to primarily use recycled materials is as admirable one, as the artists have chosen to express themselves while also attempting to ensure a minimal environmental impact. And they have succeeded in portraying their ideas in a relatively environmentally friendly manner, which is highly commendable.

    6 months ago
    Reply to  Manann Sarda

    I feel this perspective truly adds on to the artists’ portrayal of the metaphorical pheonix. This comment has enriched my views on this artwork.

    6 months ago

    Nice idea.! Very creative.

    Jayshree Sarda
    Jayshree Sarda
    6 months ago

    Phenomenal! Love the creativity

    6 months ago

    Nice ,original and innovative concept!!neatly done.keep up the good work!!

    Sneha Raisurana
    Sneha Raisurana
    6 months ago

    Innovative and imaginative representation of the struggle of women through a piece of clothing. love how each and every element used has a symbolic value and underlying meaning. Great thought provoking work!! Bravo!!

    6 months ago

    Amazing art but better is the reasoning to use the colors materials n supplies and made what represents a woman……hats off….

    Sarita taparia
    Sarita taparia
    6 months ago

    Very innovative and meticulous efforts have been put in.truly incredible

    6 months ago

    Outstanding work

    Deepa Banthia
    Deepa Banthia
    6 months ago

    True representation of how resilient women are. Love the bold colors and the creative write- up. Way to go, Navya and team!!

    6 months ago

    Excellent concept!

    6 months ago

    Wow I love the artwork the message is so inspiring!

    Dilip Samsukha
    Dilip Samsukha
    6 months ago

    Aesthetical, creative and colorful depiction of progress of dressing of Indian women. Bravo !

    6 months ago

    Your thoughts and execution represents your beautiful upbringing.
    Blossom as always…

    Jeetu Narwani
    Jeetu Narwani
    6 months ago

    Wow keep up the good work

    Bipool kothary
    Bipool kothary
    6 months ago

    Well done Navya

    Tanu Sodhi
    Tanu Sodhi
    6 months ago

    Well done & Best of luck Navya❤❤

    Gautam Samsukha
    Gautam Samsukha
    6 months ago

    Vibrant colour combination. Well done 👏

    Kavita Samsukha
    Kavita Samsukha
    6 months ago

    Wonderful art work. Love it ❤️

    6 months ago


    Shilpa Poddar
    Shilpa Poddar
    6 months ago

    Love the work! Very well made :))

    6 months ago

    Very striking and evocative artwork!

    6 months ago

    This looks amazing!!

    6 months ago

    Very colorful

    Smita Mehta
    Smita Mehta
    6 months ago


    6 months ago

    Well done is an amazing piece of art work u all are so talented great job done!!

    6 months ago

    I am amazed by how they were able to use simple materials to create such a meaningfull artwork!

    6 months ago

    amazing i love it!! the message is really inspiring.

    6 months ago

    I think this price is very underrated. In today’s hustle we fail to realise how Indian women are the true pheonix that rise from all their hardships. Excellent work!

    Anahita shah
    Anahita shah
    6 months ago

    It is a beautiful anda very unique piece of artwork!loved it.

    Anahita shah
    Anahita shah
    6 months ago
    Reply to  Anahita shah

    It is a beautiful and a very unique piece of artwork!loved it

    6 months ago

    Love how they have used the pheonix to represent the struggles that women in India and the use of colour is exceptional!

    Parthvi Kandoi
    Parthvi Kandoi
    6 months ago

    So beautiful and inspiring!

    6 months ago

    Wow this piece is so cool love the message it’s conveying and the colours are so good I love the drops from the wings the details are just insane 🤩by far my favourite one

    6 months ago

    Its a excellent piece of art, the message is great.

    6 months ago

    Love the message!

    6 months ago

    So cool ! love the colours

    6 months ago

    Wow, really nice!!!

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